Anna Lerchbaumer – Sonic Shrine (Installation)
Anna Lerchbaumer setzt sich humorvoll und kritisch mit unserem Verhältnis zu Technik und Natur auseinander. Sie schafft als Klang- und Videokünstlerin raumgreifende Installationen, in denen skulpturale Aspekte eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Die Installation im Foyer des Congresses namens „Sonic Shrine“ zeigt eine Assemblage an Lautsprechern auf gedrechselten und bunt lackierten Holzskulpturen. Die traditionelle Handwerkstechnik als Rahmen für eine Mehrkanal-Soundkomposition. Die für Magic Carpets realisierte Arbeit spielt mit unterschiedlichen Qualitäten von Lautsprechern wie akustischen Artefakten und ihrer elektromagnetischen Aura. Die Lautsprecher selbst stammen aus unterschiedlichen Orten der Innsbrucker Musikszene und Subkultur und bergen als Objekte bereits eine Geschichte in sich. Anna Lerchbaumer hat dem ausgedienten Equipment mit „Sonic Shrine“ einen huldigenden Schrein gebaut. Text: Heart of Noise Festival 2021
Rojin Sharafi & Iris Blauensteiner - ATEMHAUT
Rojin Sharafi is a sound artist and composer of acoustic, electro-acoustic and electronic music based in Vienna.
She has been working on different multimedia art projects and has been collaborated with different musicians, Ensembles, filmmakers, video-artists and performers.
Her music passes the borders of genre, while borrowing some elements from different epoch and classes such as Noise, Folk, Ambient, Metal and contemporary music. Fusion texture, narrative layers and formalistic approaches are her musical trademarks.
Her creation process and pre-production include: studies on concept, searching and collecting sound material, improvising with instruments in a group or in solo, working on the texture, experimenting with form and sketching the structural process, recording in studio and realizing the final production.
Iris Blauensteiner works as a filmmaker and author. She studied Art & Digital Media at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and Film- and Theatre theory at the University of Vienna.
Since 2004 she is making films, especially in the fields of writing and directing. Her films, the latest "The world is blue at its edges", "the_other_images“, "Rest“ and "Sweat" were screened at international festivals. Her debut novel "Kopfzecke" was published in 2016, the second novel "Atemhaut" was published in 2022 by Kremayr & Scheriau. Since 2010 shorter texts were published in anthologies and literature magazines. She is a member of the Golden Pixel Cooperative - association for moving images, arts and media.
Awards and grants for film and literature (selection): Scholarship young talents - Grant for literature by BMKOES Austrian Federal Chancellery Arts and Culture 2021, Award at the filmscript competition "If she can see it, she can be it“ by Drehbuchforum Vienna 2019, Award at Alternative Film/Video Festival Belgrade 2018, Award promoting literature by the City of Vienna 2018, Artist-in-Residence ORF III & ARTE Creative 2017, Residency at Literarisches Colloquium Berlin 2017, Award "Best Austrian Newcomer” at Vienna Independent Shorts 2014.
photo credit ATEMHAUT: Joanna Pianka