
Das Trio Other:M:Other (bestehend aus Judith Schwarz, Arthur Fussy und Jul Dillier) will
eine rhythmische Klangsymbiose erschaffen. Akustische und elektronische Klänge
verschmelzen nahtlos ineinander, perkussive Impulsgeflechte entstehen, welche ihre
Inspiration gleichermassen aus der experimentellen Musik wie aus beatbezogener
Clubmusik ziehen. Mit unkonventioneller Besetzung, erweiterten Spieltechniken und frei
improvisatorischem Ansatz loten sie die Grenzen der musikalischen Genres aus und
verstehen es virtuos, ihre eigene Klangsprache in die verschiedensten Bühnensettings,
Konzertformate und Stilkontexte zu übersetzen.

Rent’s sounds refer to industrial ecosystems, interconnections, dark landscapes and their stories. At the same time, it is the processes of sound creation itself that emerge in Rent's compositions: sounds influence each other, reinforce each other, cancel each other out, dissolve and become noise, sound like the city, a car alarm for example. Then everything gets lost in the fog again.
Together with the Viennese Label Ventil Records Rent released their first LP Kill A Phantom in June 2024 after releasing the EP As Cold As Sunlight in collaboration with TRANSFORMER and Wilhelm Show me the Major Label in 2023.
Building from a reputation of thrilling live performances Rent breaks new ground with Kill A Phantom, evolving from the tropes of industrial and noise to forge cinematographic scenes of dark matter and metamorphic bodies. What first appears as confrontational music undergoes a idiosyncratic alchemy. Harsh sounds collide with digital remains and field recordings and form an ephemeral unity whose story unfolds and changes over time, while at the same time revealing genuine vulnerabilities.
Rent aka Katrin Euller is also part of several artistic collaborations and member of Doom band EAERES.